Public service providers

Providers of publicly relevant services commit to implement the following joint measures. Alongside these, they are also pursuing individual measures, which are listed on the participants’ websites.


1. Energy management

Öffentliche Dienstleister - Icon Energiemanagement

The participants are introducing a management system for continuously optimising their energy use.

2. Mobility management

Öffentliche Dienstleister - Icon Mobilitätsmanagement

The participants are introducing a management system for continuously optimising their mobility practices.

3. Eco funds

Öffentliche Dienstleister - Icon Ökofonds

The participants operate an eco fund, which is financed from reimbursed environmental incentivisation levies and other financing sources. The eco funds are used to finance energy, climate and environmental protection measures.

4. Internal awareness-raising

Öffentliche Dienstleister - Icon Interne Sensibilisierung

The participants regularly conduct training to raise their employees’ awareness of more climate-compatible practices.


5. Energy-efficient new buildings

Öffentliche Dienstleister - Icon Energieeffiziente Neubauten

Wherever possible, the participants ensure that their new buildings are certified to the highest possible standards and follow best practices for special-purpose buildings.

6. Energetic modernisation of buildings

Öffentliche Dienstleister - Icon Gebäude-Modernisierung

The participants modernise their existing buildings to improve their energy efficiency.

7. Heating with renewable energy

Öffentliche Dienstleister - Icon Heizungen mit erneuerbarer Energie

The participants install only heating systems which run on renewable forms of energy.

8. Efficient building technology

Öffentliche Dienstleister - Icon Energieeffiziente Gebäudetechnik

New building technology systems meet the current energy recommendations of the Coordination Conference of Construction and Real Estate Services of Public Building Contractors (KBOB).

9. Energy-efficient vehicles

Öffentliche Dienstleister - Icon Energieeffiziente Fahrzeuge

The participants now procure only passenger vehicles running with green power or renewable fuel and the most energy-efficient models of other categories of vehicle. They provide the necessary e-charging infrastructure.

10. Life cycle cost analysis

Öffentliche Dienstleister - Icon Lebenszyklus-Betrachtung

When procuring devices and equipment, the participants take the total life cycle costs into account.


11. Energy accounting

Öffentliche Dienstleister - Icon Energiebuchhaltung

The participants record their annual site-specific energy consumption down to building / system level.

12. Optimisation of operation

Öffentliche Dienstleister - Icon Betriebsoptimierung

The participants continuously monitor and optimise the operation of their building technology systems.

13. Energy-efficient data centres

Öffentliche Dienstleister - Icon Energieeffiziente Rechenzentren

The participants cool their data centres without chillers and utilise surplus waste heat.

14. Data centre infrastructure management

Öffentliche Dienstleister - Icon Data Center Infrastructure Management

The participants are introducing a management system for systematically optimising the energy efficiency of their data centres.

15. Consolidation of data centres

Öffentliche Dienstleister - Icon Konsolidierung der Rechenzentren

The participants are integrating less efficient distributed servers into central data centres.